The Branch Loggers

Do you heat by solid fuel boiler or by wood gas boiler? Do you need enough small logs to heat your building? Or are you planning this kind of heating? We have powerful and reliable machines for you – Branch Loggers URBAN. It will impress you with its power and ability to process heavy wood with a diameter of up to 120 mm (depending on the type of machine and wood hardness).

The Branch Loggers URBAN form a small logs (big chips) from branches and waste wood - blocks, that’s these machines are called "branch loggers". The branches and waste wood (planks, laths, cuttings) are turned into full fuel.

You can choose from a wide range of outputs from a machine, we offer bags for raschle bags, Big-Bagy or a wide range of belt conveyors. It depends only on your choice or disposition when you use it. The choice is up to you.

Come and choose it! We will be happy to show you our machines in operation and we will advise you with the selection.


Catalogues code SM110 2P

URBAN SM110 with double bagging

Catalogues code EM110 D2,6

URBAN EM110 with conveyor 2,6 m

Catalogues code SM110 D2,6

URBAN SM110 with conveyor 2,6 m

Catalogues code SMV110 D2,6

URBAN SMV110 with conveyor 2,6 m


The working principle of branch loggers URBAN lies in two counter rotating shafts with knives. The rotating knives draw in the wood material into the feed hopper unassisted. The passage gap between the shafts is 70 mm. Each shaft has 3 fixed knives, made from high quality tool steel. It is possible to sharp the knives repeatedly. After sharpening there is a pad to be put under the knives in order to keep the same gap between the knives (c. 0,1 mm). One single sharpening of knives is capable of producing from 100 to 800 solid meters of small logs, depending on the level of contaminants (mud, nails, stones etc.). Each blade can be sharpened up about 4 mm, after that it must be replaced by a new blade.


We are available for you. We will gladly and expertly explain the differences between each branch loggers. We will discuss the purpose of your use and your ideas and recommend the most suitable solution. Come to see us, call +420 731 166 374 and +420 778 113 232 or write to